Category Archives: osman productions
Happy New Year!
Machine’de 17 Aralık Cuma – Disc Jockey Ari (03:00-05:00)
DiSC JOCKEY ARi (03:00 – 05:00)@Machine
Osman Productions @ Indigo this Friday
Saturday night fever is on! This Saturday the 12th Disc Jockey Ari, B-bot, and Yeşim Unan aka Juliewinters of the O.P crew will be rippin up the floor with some italo disco, electro disco, disco house tunes. Before the O.P crews performance, Hakan Tamar and She past away (live )will be on the stage. So come early for a full night of entertainment! All OSMAN's are expected to come. Please drop a message in my contact form here to get on the door list.

O.P Halloween Party Minimuzikhol 2010
OSMAN PRODUCTIONS @ Minimüzikhol 30 Ekim Cumartesi
Disc Jockey Ari at Machine
Disc Jockey Ari @ Machine

Dİsc Jockey @ Machine