Giorgio Moroder announces first ever live tour at 78

After a long career in which he revolutionised the world of pop, Italian producer Giorgio Moroder is, at 78, embarking on his first live tour.

He will play across Europe, including four dates in the UK in Birmingham, London, Glasgow and Manchester from 1-5 April 2019, performing on piano, vocoder and synths alongside a live band and vocalists. Tickets will go on sale on Friday, 12 October at 9am on the website Live Nation.

He said was “so excited to be finally doing this”, adding: “It is something I have always wanted to do. Fans kept reaching out to me, asking if I would ever do a real tour. Back in the days it was unthinkable for producers to ever leave their studios. That territory was reserved for the singers. Today, DJs and music producers have become the superstars of popular dance music, so the time feels right.”

Moroder began DJing and producing pop music in the mid-1960s, and scored his first major hit with Son of My Father, which he wrote for Chicory Tip, who took it to No 1 in the UK in 1972. But it was with 1977’s I Feel Love, sung by Donna Summer, that he truly changed the face of pop, using electronic production to create sensual, futuristic dance music. Summer, who died in 2012, will appear on screen at the concerts “performing in sync with Moroder and his band”.

He went on to score further hits with Summer including On the Radio, Hot Stuff and Love to Love You Baby, and produced hit records with Blondie (Call Me), David Bowie (Cat People), and the Human League’s Phil Oakey (Together in Electric Dreams). He won three Oscars for his film work: best original score for Midnight Express, plus two best original song awards, for Flashdance… What a Feeling by Irene Cara, and Take My Breath Away by Berlin, taken from the Top Gun soundtrack. He also scored Scarface, American Gigolo and other films.

After returning to prominence in 2013 with a collaboration with Daft Punk on their album Random Access Memories, he released a solo album, Déjà Vu, in 2015. It featured artists such as Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Sia and Charli XCX.



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Erkekliğe ilk adım. Circumcision Masallah Installation – mixed media – 2003


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29 Osman Productions Cock Block Party

#osmanproductions partisi sahane gecti, gelen herkese cok tsk. Long live OSMAN!

Fetish Party:
Dress code: All Black ve neyiniz varsa...:)
OSMAN PRODUCTIONS ilk adımlarını 2000’li yıllarda, uzun ve ince yollarda atmaya başladı… Yürüdükçe büyüdü, çeşitlendi, kalabalıklaştı.

Osman, aslında bir isim ve OSMAN PRODUCTIONS için de bir takma isim. Fakat öyle ki sokaktaki boyacıdan, meclisteki milletvekiline kadar her yerde duyulabilen, rastlanabilen bir isim… Tam burada OSMAN bir duruma da karşılık geliyor. Takma isim olmaktan çok her yere sızabilen, her yerde olabilen bir gülünç beceriksizlik, şaşkın ve dehşet içinde ama serin bakışlarla tanığı olduğu sahnelerin içinde süzülen bir hayali kimlik gibi…

Osman ismine rastlanabilen anların çeşitliliği gibi OSMAN PRODUCTIONS da ana akımdan, alt kültürden, aralardan ve derelerden geçen, hayallerden, gerçeklerden, müzikten ve her türlü imgeden, sokak sanatı, iğne oyası, tığ işi gibi pek çok çeşitte alandan beslenen ve tüm bu alanlarda etkin üretimine devam eden, herkesi de üretime ve devam etmeye teşvik eden bir oluşum.

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Zero, haftsonunun en iyi etkinlikleri arasında gösterilen osman partisi

2000’lerin başlarında kurulan elektronik müzik kolektifi Osman Productions, gerilla reklam metotları, politik duruşları, müzik ve performansı iç içe geçirdikleri üretkenlikleriyle İstanbul’un gördüğü en önemli yeraltı hareketlerinden biriydi. Üyelerinin dünyanın ve ülkenin çeşitli yerlerine dağılmaları vs gibi sebeplerden kolektif şu sıralar aktif bir şekilde çalışmıyor ama arada sırada insanı heyecanlandıran etkinlikler düzenlemeye devam ediyorlar. Bu etkinliği de bir tür ‘geri dönüş’ partisi olarak duyurmuşlar, heyecan dorukta.
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Osman Productions: a summer breeze

This Sat....long awaited O.P party Citizen

OSMAN PRODUCTIONS ilk adımlarını 2000’li yıllarda, uzun ve ince yollarda atmaya başladı… Yürüdükçe büyüdü, çeşitlendi, kalabalıklaştı.

Osman, aslında bir isim ve OSMAN PRODUCTIONS için de bir takma isim. Fakat öyle ki sokaktaki boyacıdan, meclisteki milletvekiline kadar her yerde duyulabilen, rastlanabilen bir isim… Tam burada OSMAN bir duruma da karşılık geliyor. Takma isim olmaktan çok her yere sızabilen, her yerde olabilen bir gülünç beceriksizlik, şaşkın ve dehşet içinde ama serin bakışlarla tanığı olduğu sahnelerin içinde süzülen bir hayali kimlik gibi…

Osman ismine rastlanabilen anların çeşitliliği gibi OSMAN PRODUCTIONS da ana akımdan, alt kültürden, aralardan ve derelerden geçen, hayallerden, gerçeklerden, müzikten ve her türlü imgeden, sokak sanatı, iğne oyası, tığ işi gibi pek çok çeşitte alandan beslenen ve tüm bu alanlarda etkin üretimine devam eden, herkesi de üretime ve devam etmeye teşvik eden bir oluşum.
Yazı: by Nihan Sın
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icat – OSMAN – 9lives – human eye/cat pupil – in Belgrade, Serbia

 A tribute to the library!

William Shakespeare refers to the nine lives myth in his play Romeo and Juliet. There is also an ancient proverb that claims, “A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays and for the last three he stays."

Some people believe the nine lives myth is related to cats’ ability to always land on their feet. Cats are also known for their dexterity and agility.
Over time, people witnessed cats survive in situations that surely would have severely injured other animals. Some people likely began to believe that cats must have multiple lives.

In ancient Egypt, cats were sacred animals that were worshipped as gods. Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were divine creatures with psychic or supernatural powers. The idea that they could have multiple lives fit right in with their view of cats.

But why nine lives? No one knows the answer to that one either. There are many possibilities.

For example, the ancient Egyptian sun god, Atum-Ra, was believed to take the form of a cat on visits to the underworld.Legend has it that Atum-Ra gave birth to eight other gods and thus represented nine lives in one.
Others believe the number may have come from China, where the number nine is considered lucky. The number nine — sometimes called “the trinity of trinities” — is also believed to be mystical in many religions and regions around the world.

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Ari Alpert @dev9t festival in Serbia – Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the meatiest of them all… Wheatpaste

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