Forget Coffins – Organic Burial Pods Will Turn Your Loved Ones Into Trees

The idea of coming full circle and returning whence we came from is one that appeals to many of us, regardless of our faith (or lack thereof), and this is an idea captured perfectly by this beautiful new burial method developed in Italy. The Capsula Mundi project by designers Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel has developed an organic, biodegradable burial capsule that will turn the deceased’s body into nutrients for a tree that will grow out of their remains.

After being encapsulated in the fetal position, the deceased is buried and either a tree or tree seed is planted above their capsule. The project’s site already has a number of trees to choose from.

The project is currently only a concept because Italian law forbids such burials. If it were allowed to proceed, however, the project’s aim would be to create entire memorial parks full of trees instead of tombstones. And instead of destroying and burying wood for wooden coffins, we would, at the end of our lives, provide sustenance for new trees instead. And indeed, the idea that our loved ones and descendants could visit our tree, care for it and rest in its shade is truly a comforting one.

More info: | Facebook (h/t: aplus)



Sugerland – directed by Van Alpert

Pleased to present this great piece done by my brother Van Alpert SUGARLAND. A short fashion film created for @Rhudedesigns Spring / Summer 2016 Collection.

Directed by: @vanalpert

Creative director: @rhuigi

DoP: @jordanritz

Produced by:


Special thanks: @milk @depict33

Zarftan oy pusulası yerine ot çıktı!!! High DP Partisi

Rize’de bir sandıktaki zarftan oy pusulası yerine 'ot' çıktı.

Rize merkeze bağlı Kurtuluş İlköğretim Okulu’nda Kale Mahallesi’nin oy kullandığı 1121 nolu sandığın oylarını sayan görevliler, açtıkları bir zarfta oy pusulası yerine 'ot' buldu. Şaşkınlık yaşayan görevliler, otlu zarfı geçersiz oyların olduğu bölüme koydu.
