Ari Alpert – Karma exhibition Homeland – in Mumbai, India!

İmages from printmaking karma exhibition Homeland - in Mumbai, India!
It was great to collaborate with artists from all over the world and at the same time represent Turkey.


Photos: IPEP
Curated by Rajesh Pullarwar
inaugural Exhibition in the collaboration with
Sir J.J. School of Art , Mumbai, India

Sıkıysa Paylaş:

“Love Hole” 1/43 prints – Spoon printed in Gokseki257 – Kaş IPEP printmaking exibition, 2017

"Love Hole" 1/43 prints - Spoon printed in Gokseki257 - Kaş
ipep printmaking exibition, 2017
Ari Alpert #ipep ------- Mumbia / lndia

#arialpert #baski #gravur #sergi #serigrafi #printmaking #edisyon #printmaking #art #screenprinting #linoleumblock #linocut #istanbul #turkey #woodcut #woodcuts #reliefprint #entaglioprint #artist #artofthedayp

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